Annual Report For 2021

2021 was a year marked by its challenges, with the ongoing global pandemic and associated economic consequences taking center stage. Despite these hurdles, Cazadero Capital exhibited resilience and adaptability. We ventured into emerging markets, especially in the tech and renewable energy sectors, reflecting our commitment to progressive investments. Collaborating closely with our stakeholders, we also strengthened our foothold in mature markets and enhanced our risk management strategies.

Mid-year, we saw geopolitical tensions influencing global trade patterns, compelling us to diversify our asset allocations and enhance our hedging mechanisms. Furthermore, the rise of digital currencies and decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms offered us novel investment avenues, which we capitalized on through strategic partnerships. Our research and development wing played a pivotal role in 2021, conducting over 20 in-depth market analyses that informed our investment decisions and enabled us to stay ahead of the curve.

At Cazadero Capital, amidst these global shifts, we continually realigned our strategies. Client consultations, portfolio adjustments, and market analyses were more frequent, ensuring we stayed ahead of the curve. We expanded our research, engaged with global experts, and emphasized transparent communication with our clients. This holistic approach ensured that even in a year as unpredictable as 2021, we were not just observers but active participants, shaping financial futures with foresight and diligence.

Financial Summary

Despite the myriad global challenges in 2021, particularly arising from the ongoing pandemic and associated economic repercussions, Cazadero Capital once again demonstrated its financial fortitude. We initiated the year with an AUM valued at $146 million. As the first quarter unfolded, we faced minor setbacks, with our assets momentarily slipping to $142 million. However, leveraging our expertise in emerging markets and a keen eye on tech and renewable energy sectors, we successfully navigated these hurdles. By year-end, our proactive measures and diversified investment approach bore fruit, elevating our AUM to a commendable $150 million.

Our equity investments, reflecting our strategic forays into digital currencies and DeFi platforms, yielded an impressive return of 15%. In contrast, our bond investments, bolstered by our reinforced risk management strategies amidst geopolitical tensions, delivered a solid 6% return. As a testament to our astute market insights and client-centric approach, the returns our clients achieved in 2021 significantly surpassed market benchmarks.

CSR Report

Our commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR) remained at the forefront of our actions in 2021. Recognizing the lingering impacts of the pandemic on our communities, Cazadero Capital amplified its dedication to ushering in positive changes at both local and global levels.

Firstly, in understanding the hardships faced by many small businesses, we introduced grants and financial mentorship programs. These initiatives not only aimed to offer immediate financial relief but also to empower local entrepreneurs with knowledge and resources to ensure their long-term success. Moreover, we supported a range of local employment programs, creating job opportunities and facilitating training sessions for those affected by the pandemic-induced job market shifts.

On the environmental front, our responsibility to the planet was recognized in tangible actions. We took substantial steps to reduce our carbon footprint, starting with our offices adopting renewable energy sources and promoting a culture of waste reduction.

In all our CSR efforts, the goal was clear: to create a ripple effect of positive change, starting with individual lives and extending to our collective global community.

Letter to Clients

Dear Valued Clients,

As 2021 draws to a close, it gives me immense pride to reflect upon how resiliently we, at Cazadero Capital, have navigated another year dominated by uncertainties. Economic headlines spoke of new financial policies, from the freezing of tax thresholds to the boosting of minimum wages. While these changes posed their challenges, we took them in stride, always prioritizing your financial well-being.

The surge of the FTSE 100, rebounding to pre-pandemic levels, signals a global community eager to rally, recover, and rebuild. It’s a sentiment we echo at Cazadero Capital, looking forward to a 2022 rich with potential. Our focus remains on seizing the opportunities that align with your financial aspirations and ensuring your investments are positioned for growth.

Thank you for entrusting us with your financial journey. Together, we look forward to embracing the future and the promise it holds.

Warm regards,

Andreas Vasili, Managing Partner

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